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Most Common Mistakes in IELTS That You May Avoid

Date:September 23, 2021

Making mistakes is human nature! Even if you come prepared for an exam, there are chances that you may make mistakes. The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) test is one of the highly-rated tests for estimating the candidate’s proficiency in English. Here every point is valuable, and the lower you make the mistakes, the higher you will score. Most people make silly mistakes unknowingly, and for that, they would regret them later. These mistakes often affect the comfort levels in an exam and will affect your overall results. Here we are discussing the common mistakes that you may come across during an IELTS exam. If you are thinking of having an IELTS exam in the future, you may go through this blog.



Most Common Mistakes in IELTS That You May Avoid


While taking IELTS tests, every minor mistake could be crucial. Therefore, you may be cautious in avoiding errors while reading, writing, and listening. Let’s have a look at some of the common mistakes.


Forgetting to Plan Ahead


Most people have unwanted thoughts while taking an exam. We mostly forget the

importance of planning before going for an exam. Having a proper strategy could help you stay away from stress and do better in the IELTS exam. Use the practice sessions to study what carries more points and to find out your weak areas. Having proper planning can do wonders in the result!


Managing the Time


Time management is one of the essential factors in getting excellent scores in the IELTS exam. You may find it tough to finish the exam in the estimated time. Wasting too much time on a question may also be crucial. Practical time management skills are vital while you are taking an exam. You may have an idea of the time that you could spend answering a particular question. It’s essential to have a time management strategy to help you answer each question to get better grades.


Reading the Instructions


Most candidates forget to read the instructions carefully before going to the exam properly. Majorly this happens during the reading test, as we want to finish the test soon, we may forget to read the instructions thoroughly. The exam pattern will be based on the instructions, and by not correctly following them, you may have the chance oflosing scores. Therefore, you may have to give yourself a little time to go through the instructions and avoid error cases.





If you want to score a higher band score, pronunciation is a vital factor. The examiners will certainly note down the way you pronounce every word. In the speaking session, you may make sure that each term is pronounced correctly and clearly. Often, while speaking in a hurry, you may forget to complete a word or sentence clearly, which could reduce your marks. Making your pronunciation better by giving importance to speaking sessions is the way to correct this.



Fluctuating Away from the Given Topic


On many occasions, this happens during an IELTS exam as the aspirant fluctuates from the given topic. It either occurs involuntarily or even due to the unawareness of the subject. In this case, your scoring chances would go down, affecting your entire exam. Therefore, even though you beautifully present things, you should stick to the topic and don’t beat around the bushes.



Lack of Proper Vocabulary


The most common issue while addressing the IELTS exam is poor vocabulary and, of course, spelling errors. Mostly while writing exams, you may not find the right word for a particular instance and end up providing the wrong word. If you don’t know the spelling of a specific term, always go for the synonyms. Take some time to build a good vocabulary by reading, which could ideally help you on such occasions.



Taking Some Time to Revise


In IELTS exams, minor mistakes could lead to losing a band. Even if you have completed the syllabus, it’s better to revise the same. Most people forget this revision part and end up making simple errors that later become crucial. Before taking the exam, take some time to revise your speaking, writing and reading skills to get better results.




Seeking Professional Help


While preparing for the IELTS exam, it’s better to seek the help of a professional. Most people may not have the time to create their study materials. By seeking the assistance of a professional, you can understand your weak areas and concentrate on the same. While thinking of the best IELTS online training coaching in Kerala, you may have come across many options. It’s important to choose an ideal coaching option that can help you in achieving your dream. You should analyse the institute’s background and have a look at the testimonials before jumping to conclusions.



Final Thoughts


If you’re taking the IELTS test soon, you must avoid the mistakes mentioned above. You don’t have to stress too much as Benzacademy is here to assist you. At the same time, consider enrolling yourself on the best IELTS online training coaching in Kerala. We believe in providing top-notch quality IELTS training to help you to reach your dream destination. Let’s fly together!